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Amanda Reichert, Certified Divorce Real Estate Expert

If you know someone going through a divorce, looking to make educated decisions about the marital home in a housing market that’s changing daily, they need the superior quality and service of an expert to help them to safely and responsibly navigate the real estate matters.

In addition to my extensive traditional real estate experience, I’m a trained Certified Divorce Real Estate Expert (CDRE®) and a recognized expert in the practice of family law-based real estate sales across Florida.

As a neutral third party, I handle the sale of real property in family law cases. My job is to ensure the orders by the court are carried out, to see to it that all parties are treated fairly, their interests are protected, to market the property and negotiate between and for the parties so that no penny is left on the table.

Real estate is typically the most valued asset in a divorce case, and family law professionals must have an experienced and knowledgeable professional at their fingertips. I'm passionate about being that resource by helping support and educate the family law community regarding everything real property related.

Contact Us

Fine Properties | 5224 Paylor Lane, Sarasota FL 34242